
Congressional Leaders Prep for Lame-Duck Legislative Session

The Senate and the House will return to DC later this month for the final weeks of the 2020 legislative term. Following a tumultuous election that is still weeks away from final results, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have said that they expect to continue attempts to hash out another next COVID-19 relief package during the upcoming lame-duck period of the 116th Congress.

Additionally, lawmakers will have to coalesce around either another short-term or full-year federal funding bill for FY 2021. Current temporary funding expires on December 11 along with funding for several critical health care programs. It is essential that aging advocates across the country continue to weigh in to ensure that lawmakers understand how important it is to provide additional funding for OAA programs and other vital community-based services. Stay tuned to n4a for breaking news updates, advocacy opportunities and resources as the lame-duck session ramps up.



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