
Pharmacy Benefits Week is Here! AAAs Host Events January 25-29 Nationwide

Many of you have already accessed the campaign toolkit that will help you plan for your own Pharmacy Benefits Week events, but if you haven't, it's not too late to join the Answers on Aging®|Pharmacy Benefits program, a public education initiative developed by n4a in collaboration with Walgreens.  

This public education campaign seeks to spread awareness of the fact that as few as 12 percent of people with Medicare have the lowest possible total plan cost for their Medicare prescription drug coverage. The centerpiece of the campaign is the celebration of Pharmacy Benefits Week (PBW) on January 25-29, an opportunity for AAAs to host gatherings for the public and other stakeholders interested in learning more about this important issue. The toolkit contains all of the resources you will need to spread the word and get your community engaged in this effort.
AAA's from coast to coast have already made plans to host events and will use social media to share their stories and impact. Use #MaxRxBenefits and join the conversation! 
This program also provides you with the opportunity to connect with a member of the Walgreens regional leadership in your area. They are eager to support your efforts to promote PBW and the Answers on Aging®¦Pharmacy Benefits program in your community. To reach the Walgreens Regional Health Director in your area, please contact Sarah Casiano at



USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!