Congress Announces a Deal on OAA Reauthorization, n4a Webinar to Detail
- By: USAging
- On: 01/31/2020 10:20:41
- In: Policy & Advocacy
This week, Democrats and Republicans in the House and the Senate released a bicameral compromise proposal that would reauthorize the OAA for five years through FY 2024. The Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020, H.R. 4334, builds upon provisions in the 2019 House-passed and Senate-introduced reauthorization proposals.
n4a released an initial analysis of the measure in our recent Legislative Update, and has endorsed the final agreement, which represents nearly a year of tireless negotiation and advocacy by numerous stakeholders and reflects many of n4a's priorities for OAA reauthorization.
For more information about the final bill and important steps that aging advocates can take to ensure swift approval of the bill, join us next Thursday, February 6 at 3:00 pm ET, for an n4a-member-only webinar entitled “What's the Deal? A Deep Dive into the Final OAA Reauthorization Bill.”