
What the Learning Collaboratives are Learning!

Earlier this week, n4a's Aging and Disability Business Institute brought together participants from its three most recent learning collaboratives at an in-person meeting to share insights on their experiences and the knowledge they gained in the areas of health IT, new opportunities in Medicare Advantage and expanding their successful partnerships with health care.

Held over the course of two days, participants of the Health IT Learning Collaborative, Medicare Advantage Learning Collaborative and Trailblazers Learning Collaborative met to share insights, learnings and questions from their experiences. The three learning collaboratives were supported by ACL's Learning Collaboratives for Advanced Business Acumen Skills grant.

n4a CEO Sandy Markwood kicked off the meeting and Kelly Cronin, ACL's Deputy Administrator, Center for Innovation and Partnership, shared invaluable insights about the future of the Aging Network. In addition to learning from one another, attendees also heard from the Center for Health Care Strategies on value-based payment and risk assumption. Presentations from Unite US and Social Health Bridge described innovative networks and platforms that can be used to connect health care providers and payers to community-based organizations.

Although this set of learning collaboratives came to a close earlier this year, the Aging and Disability Business Institute is excited to see what will come from its next set of learning collaboratives, which will convene in 2020.

Would you like to be part of the 2020 Medicare Advantage Learning Collaborative or the Network Operations Learning Collaborative? Apply now! The deadline for applications to the 2020 Medicare Advantage Learning Collaborative is December 13 and the deadline for applications to the 2020 Network Operations Learning Collaborative closes on December 20.

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