
Falls Prevention Awareness Day is Monday!

How is your agency participating in Falls Prevention Awareness Day? The annual recognition is Monday, September 23, and aims to raise awareness about injuries related to falls among older adults, and of course, how to prevent them. We've got a few resources that you can share in your community on Monday and beyond! 

There are so many ways to participate on Monday, but here are a few we recommend considering:
  1. Join the national promotion efforts: NCOA has provided a set of resources to promote the day, including; a webinar, Twitter Chat, fact sheets and shareable graphics.
  1. Share consumer-friendly materials: Order the Eldercare Locator publication “Preventing Falls at Home” for your AAA or distribute it digitally. This brochure includes a helpful checklist of precautions older adults and their caregivers can take to prevent falls at home, like ensuring all rugs are adhered to the floor with double sided rug tape or non-skid pads.
  1. Make sure you're part of the larger falls conversation the rest of the year: Keep falls prevention a focus for your AAA year round by learning about the Falls Free Initiative. This initiative includes a National Action Plan, State Coalitions on Falls Prevention Workgroup and much more to include in your year-round efforts.
  1. Borrow from others in the field to plan ahead for next year: For example, the Ohio Department of Aging holds an initiative called “10 Million Steps to Prevent Falls” on Falls Prevention Awareness Day. This initiative was created to encourage regular physical activity, which has been shown to prevent falls. The effort included hashtags #PreventFalls and #10MStepsOH to prompt participants to post on social media about their walks. This initiative could be replicated by other states and their AAAs for Falls Prevention Awareness Day 2020.
Learn more about Falls Prevention Awareness Day and act now to prepare to promote the day on Monday, September 23!



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