
Countdown to New Orleans: Hot Topics

With n4a's Annual Conference and Tradeshow just over a week away, we're using our newsletter to highlight some of the most-anticipated parts of the Conference. Today, we're taking a close look at Hot Topics, which highlight critical areas in aging that should be top of mind for AAAs.

Tailored Home Modifications: Partnering to Promote Independence, Efficiency and Value
Sunday, July 28 | 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM
Join Lifewise Renovations and Amerigroup to learn how your AAA can use clinically driven modifications in the design and development of the home modification services it offers to older adults in your community. The model delivers cost-effective and relevant modifications through a streamlined process that significantly improves individual satisfaction, well-being and delivery times.
This session is moderated by Don Smith, Director, Area Agency on Aging and Vice President, Community Investment, United Way of Tarrant County. The presenters include Katy Dodd, Principal, Likewise Renovations; Shannon Davis, Director, Star+Plus Service Coordination, Amerigroup Texas; and Gary Jessee, Managing Director, Sellers Dorsey.
This Hot Topic is sponsored by Anthem.
It IS What You Eat: Older Adult Malnutrition Update
Monday, July 29 | 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Older adult malnutrition is a serious threat to healthy aging, affecting up to one in two older adults. Led by the Defeat Malnutrition Today coalition, panelists and participants from across the country will discuss the latest research policy, advocacy, and other best practices to combat older adult malnutrition. This session will focus on both national strategies and state/local initiatives that you can implement in your community.
Panelists for this hot topic include Bob Blancato, National Coordinator, Defeat Malnutrition Today; Mary Beals-Luedtka, Director, Northern Arizona Council of Governments AAA; Jeanne Blankenship, Vice President, Policy Initiatives and Advocacy, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; Brenda Schmitthenner, Senior Director, Successful Aging, West Health; and Meredith Whitmire, Policy Director, Defeat Malnutrition Today.
This Hot Topic is sponsored by Defeat Malnutrition Today.
Modern Medicine: Innovation, Progress and the Patient Experience
Monday, July 29 | 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Who makes the rules for the health care system and why? Why is the delivery system so complex? What are the right ways to address health care costs and patient affordability? A frank look at some of the hottest topics in health care and how they affect your agency.
Presenting on this hot topic will be Michael Ybarra, Vice President, Medical Affairs and Strategic Alliances, PhRMA. PhRMA is also the sponsor of this Hot Topic.
PACE Your Agency! The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly Delivers Value for Your Clients, the Community and Your Agency
Tuesday, July 30 | 10:15 AM – 11:30 AM
To continue driving choice and high-quality care to older adults who are at-risk and dually eligible Medicare-Medicaid clients who need help living independently in their homes, don't overlook an important and growing alternative to other models of care: the Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). PACE is a well-established care model that is delivered by an interdisciplinary team in an adult day health setting, with high quality home and community-based services. PACE programs and Area Agencies on Aging are natural allies and partners, combining expert geriatric primary care with the Aging Network's deep expertise in providing community-based services. In this session, PACE experts and AAA leaders will describe the PACE model and financing, the business case for how partnerships between PACE organizations and AAAs can introduce new revenue pathways, success stories from AAAs that have adopted a PACE model in their communities, and how to evaluate whether PACE is a good fit for your community and your agency.
Panelists for this hot topic are Pam Curtis, Chief Executive Officer, Senior Resources; Peter Fitzgerald, Vice President, Policy & Strategy, National PACE Association; and Regina Sayers, Executive Director, Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens, Inc.
This Hot Topic is sponsored by Edenbridge Health.
New Models for Engaging Older Adults in Physical Activity and the Impact of Social Isolation and Physical and Mental Health
Tuesday, July 30 | 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Panelists from three sectors will share new ways to improve health and quality of life through physical activity. Research from the MIT AgeLab will reveal “activity personas” that can pave a path toward engagement and improved outcomes. The Valley AAA in Flint, MI and Tivity Health will discuss their innovative public-private collaboration model that can be implemented to expand health and wellness programming with sustainable funding. Attendees will have the first look at new results demonstrating the impact of the initiative.
The presenters of this Hot Topic are Samantha Brady, Research Specialist, MIT AgeLab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Yaushica Aubert, President & CEO, Valley Area Agency on Aging; and Elizabeth Rula, Executive Director, Research, Tivity Health.
This Hot Topic is sponsored by Tivity Health.



USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!