Registration Now Open for New Course on Creating a Volunteer Transportation Program
- By: USAging
- On: 06/07/2019 11:10:52
- In: Program Update
Is your agency interested in developing a volunteer transportation program? Join the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center for a new course, Addressing Risk, Liability and Insurance in Volunteer Transportation Programs. The course will run from June 12 to July 17 and offers an in-depth look at one of the five keys to a successful volunteer transportation program covered in NADTC's 2018 Volunteer Transportation Program course and toolkit.
The goal of the Risk, Liability, and Insurance course is to provide organizations and communities with the tools to understand and manage the potential risks of starting and operating a volunteer transportation program. The course will also describe key considerations surrounding risk management and liability factors that will help ensure these programs are better positioned to protect their volunteer drivers. The course platform is Section 508 compliant and will include pre-recorded presentations, a discussion forum, quizzes and a host of resources. Registration is free and open through June 26.
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is jointly administered by n4a and Easterseals.