Arizona AAA Rebrands to Help Clients Find Services Faster
- By: USAging
- On: 12/11/2015 12:47:08
- In: Hot Topics in Aging
Like many AAAs that have a county-based or council of governments (COG) governance structure, the AAA in Flagstaff, Arizona found it difficult to establish a distinct brand identity, which created confusion in the community for those seeking assistance.
For this reason, the agency's Executive Director Mary Beals-Luedtka decided to take action. With the support of the Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG), where the AAA is housed, Beals-Luedtka led a brand overhaul that included a new logo, stationery suite, signage, promotional materials and publications. The process began in the spring of this year, when the agency contacted n4a to discuss adopting our recently redesigned logo, and the rebranding of their section of the NACOG website is the only component remaining. We provided them with all the tools they needed to create standard and 40th anniversary logos that mirrored the ones we created.
"The main reason we undertook this rebranding was to make it as easy as possible for our senior population to find us" said Beals-Luedtka. “And an added benefit of aligning our brand with n4a's is that we get a boost in credibility through our association with a national entity of their stature.”
Members interested in evaluating whether a rebranding effort is right for them may contact Dallas Jamison, Director, Communications, to learn about the resources we can offer.