n4a Member-Only Resources Available Analyzing Emerging Immigration Issues
- By: USAging
- On: 11/02/2018 15:06:32
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Exploring how older adults and caregivers might be affected by a proposed regulation from the Department of Homeland Security was the topic of a recent members-only n4a webinar with partners from Justice in Aging. If enacted, the regulatory changes would expand the “public charge” test that is used to determine whether individuals seeking legal permanent residency, or “green card” status, in the U.S. would be primarily dependent on public assistance for support, thus potentially threatening the ability of immigrants to obtain permanent resident status if they had or were likely to need government assistance.
This expanded public charge test would have implications for immigrant older adults and their caregivers, making it more difficult for immigrant families to stay together and meet basic needs. The proposed regulation would expand the public charge test to include eligibility for a number of non-cash assistance programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), non-emergency Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs and housing assistance. The proposed rule is currently published in the Federal Register and is open for public comment until December 10.
n4a members can learn more about the proposed regulation by viewing the webinar recording.