Updated Medicare Advantage Policy Spotlight Now Available
- By: USAging
- On: 08/16/2018 17:12:08
- In: Hot Topics in Aging
n4a's Aging and Disability Business Institute recently updated its Medicare Advantage Policy Brief to include additional guidance from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on the Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act and the release of final policy guidance that make significant changes to Medicare Advantage plans.
The policy brief summarizes how recent changes to Medicare Advantage provide AAAs and other CBOs with greater opportunities to partner with Medicare Advantage plans in their regions to provide supplemental benefits, such as home-delivered meals and transportation, to beneficiaries. These partnerships will better enable Medicare Advantage plans to provide high-quality care to the growing number of Medicare beneficiaries across the country who enroll in Medicare Advantage.
Read our new and updated Policy Brief!