Register for August 23 Webinar on Housing, Homelessness and Rural Aging
Join n4a on Thursday, August 23 at 2 p.m. ET for a webinar highlighting the findings of two new publications exploring how AAAs are leading innovations to meet the unique needs of rural communities and help older adults secure safe and affordable housing.
The webinar will cover the results of a poll, conducted by n4a with funding from the Administration for Community Living, on housing and homelessness to assess how AAAs across the country have adapted their programs and services to meet these important needs. The webinar will also highlight the findings of an issue brief, based on data from the Report of the 2016 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging, that examines the unique circumstances of rural AAAs. Participants will learn about housing programs developed by n4a members White River Area Agency on Aging in Arkansas and the Atlanta Regional Commission in Georgia.
Register Today!