Don't Miss NADTC's Sixth Annual Mobility Fair!
- By: USAging
- On: 07/27/2018 16:18:21
- In: Program Update
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center will host its Sixth Annual Mobility Fair. Join your peers for a discussion on the state of transportation for older adults and people with disabilities in communities across the country.
The Mobility Fair will include two sessions—one in the morning and one in the afternoon—and take place on the Meeting Level of the Sheraton Grand Chicago.
NADTC's 6th Annual Mobility Fair: Session I (M09)
Monday, July 30 | 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Ontario, Meeting Level
Share your perspectives and experiences on the biggest transportation challenges facing rural, urban, suburban and frontier communities, and learn about the latest ideas and developments in community transportation. Get answers to questions about critical stakeholders and the role of Area Agencies on Aging in developing accessible and affordable community transportation solutions.
- Virginia Dize, Co-Director, NADTC, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
- Julie Dupree, Training and Technical Assistance Specialist, NADTC, Easterseals
- Melissa Gray, Program Manager, NADTC, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
Monday, July 30 | 1:00-2:15 p.m.
Ontario, Meeting Level
Learn from your peers and share your experiences using the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program and other federal funding sources to support transportation in your community. Roundtable discussions will feature experts from the Federal Transit Administration, a regional Metropolitan Planning Organization and an Area Agency on Aging.
- Roberta Habowski, Mobility Project Manager, Area Agency on Aging 1-B
- Kelly Tyler, Program Manager, Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program, Federal Transit Administration, U.S Department of Transportation
- Lynn Winchell-Mendy, Transportation Planner III, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments