
Online Course on Helping Older Adults Prepare for Transportation Independence

Don't miss this free online course from the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, which is co-administered by n4a and Easterseals. The course, Driver Safety and Transition: Understanding Shared Interests, Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration in Supporting Transportation, will run from June 8 to July 6. Registration closes TODAY.

This course will offer an in-depth look at concerns about the safety and well-being of older drivers and people with disabilities, tools to plan for transportation independence and many of the age-related challenges that make driving increasingly difficult. Additionally, the course will lay out the array of transportation issues, alternatives and accessible options that older adults, people with disabilities and their loved ones can begin exploring before they have to actually give up the keys, as well as suggestions and helpful tools to encourage and enable safe driving.

The course platform is Section 508 compliant to accommodate people with disabilities and will include pre-recorded presentations, a private discussion forum available to all course registrants and learning assignments. Participants will be able to access the self-paced course at any time.

Register Today!



USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!