
New engAGED Resources on Social Connections and Lifelong Learning

The engAGED: National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults is in full swing, promoting the social engagement of older adults and providing resources to the Aging Network. Just in time for Older Americans Month, we've added a number of new tools and resources to help the Aging Network identify strategies to engage older adults in their communities.
  • Memory Café Toolkit
    A free toolkit from the Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Boston provides step-by-step instructions on launching and sustaining a memory café.

  • Fighting Social Isolation: A View from the Trenches
    This article from the Gerontological Society of America, written by Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) executive director Tom Kamber, summarizes 14 years of lessons OATS has learned about program models, training methodology, and outcome measurement required to combat social isolation among seniors in community settings.

  • Webinar Recording: Lifelong Learning, Social Connectedness and Elderhood
    This webinar, presented by the Lifelong Learning Institutes in Chesterfield & VCU School of Allied Health Professions, highlights the dangers of social isolation and ageism while exploring the solution of lifelong learning and elderhood.
Archived webinars sponsored by the engAGED Resource Center are also available. Want to receive regular updates? Contact Karen Homer at to join the engAGED email list.



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