Want Higher OAA III B Funding and No Cuts to SHIP?
- By: USAging
- On: 10/12/2017 09:47:39
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Then take action! As House and Senate finalize FY 2018 spending this fall, advocates need to push for the highest possible funding levels for Older Americans Act and other critical programs.
The House and Senate have until December 8 to reconcile their differing spending packages and pass a long-term federal funding plan for FY 2018. Current word from Capitol Hill is that talks are underway to reach a bipartisan budget agreement that offers some relief from stringent budget caps, which means that aging advocates have an opportunity to reach out to lawmakers to promote funding priorities for Older Americans Act and other important aging programs. This week, n4a sent an Advocacy Alert and additional tools for advocates to highlight our key asks as funding discussions proceed. For the first time in many years, we have a chance to see a significant increase for OAA Title III B Supportive Services programs, but advocates must reach out now.