Keep Advocating for OAA Funding While Lawmakers Are in Their Districts and States
- By: USAging
- On: 08/24/2017 12:37:50
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Congress won't return to Washington until after Labor Day weekend, which means that local aging advocates still have two more weeks to push their House and Senate Members to protect and increase funding for OAA and other aging programs!
As n4a's recent Advocacy Alert detailed, we expect that the House will consider full-year FY 2018 funding for most agencies, including the Administration on Aging under the Department of Health and Human Services, late the week of September 4. We don't yet have details on when the Senate will consider their funding proposal for OAA, but the best opportunity to rectify the House-proposed cuts to SHIP, SCSEP and Elder Justice programs is in the Senate FY 2018 OAA funding bill. Please reach out to your Members of Congress with important advocacy messages about these critical aging programs.