n4a Statement on Recent Health Care Reform Vote
- By: USAging
- On: 07/28/2017 13:08:31
- In: Policy & Advocacy
The Senate Republican leadership's latest efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act came to a dramatic conclusion early this morning when three Republican Senators voted against the “skinny” bill released only hours before.
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)—which represents the nation's 622 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) that develop and deliver local aging programs and services that support millions of older adults and their caregivers, and advocates in Washington, DC for the more than 250 Title VI Native American aging programs—lauds Republican Senators Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK) and John McCain (AZ) for opposing the measure.
The skinny bill, which repealed several primary provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was not intended to become law as-is, but would have provided enough of a Senate win to take the measure to a conference committee with the House. That would have meant that only a select group of conferees would have been charged with crafting the final bill, with little to no chance for amendments before pushing for a swift final passage.
Read full statement from n4a CEO Sandy Markwood.