
Dementia Friendly America Gets Closer to Its 50-State Goal

As reported this week by the Fox News and NBC News Tulsa affiliates, Tulsa, Oklahoma became the latest community to join the Dementia Friendly America (DFA) Initiative, which is co-chaired and administered by n4a.

In addition, Illinois joined the DFA network last month when it held a statewide workshop to explore ways to leverage resources and partners across community sectors to support the needs of people with dementia. Currently, 36 states are participating in the initiative and DFA leaders have set an ambitious goal of 50-state participation by the end of 2017.
With participation by over 35 national organizations, DFA has emerged as a major force to help communities prepare to address the needs of the estimated 7.1 million people age 65 and older with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in the next decade. 

If your AAA or community is interested in Dementia Friendly America, contact Meredith Eisenhart, DFA community liaison at



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