
ACL Releases Funding for Alzheimer's Disease Supports

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) recently announced two funding opportunities that may be of special interest to AAAs that have programs that provide dementia-capable services and supports for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias and their caregivers.

The Alzheimer's Disease Support Service Program is open to eligible state governments and has an application deadline of May 12, 2017 and
the Alzheimer's Disease Initiative - Specialized Supportive Services (ADI-SSS) program is open to public and private entities that are working within a dementia-capable long-term services and supports system and are addressing the service gaps identified in the funding opportunity announcement. June 1, 2017 is the estimated application deadline.

n4a administers Dementia Friendly America, which helps communities nationwide support the needs of people with dementia through cross-sector partnerships and coordination. Two DFA communities—Sheridan, WY and Nevada—have received funding through ADI-SSS to support their DFA implementation and evaluation.
Please contact n4a staff member Meredith Eisenhart to learn more.



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