New Resources Available To Boost Your Bottom Line
The Aging and Disability Business Institute website is up and running! Drop by and tap into the most thorough, easy-to-use resource for community-based organizations looking to partner with the health care sector to grow their business capacity and diversify their revenues.
This week, check out a new blog post by n4a's very own Nora Super, highlighting an innovative Area Agency on Aging (AAA) collaboration with health plans and providers in Virginia. Learn how an enterprising group of AAA leaders took the bold step of coming together to create a collective contracting vehicle that appealed to payers across the state, and how their creative thinking and commitment is paying off in a major way.
The blog itself is also cross-posted on the website of America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the nation's largest and most influential health insurance trade association. The Business Institute worked with AHIP to highlight Virginia's inspiring example, as part of its commitment to reach out, educate, and work in collaboration with the health care sector counterparts who are integral to delivering on the promise of person-centered, integrated care that is the driving motivation behind the Aging and Disability Business Institute.