
n4a Members Celebrate 40th Anniversary with Capitol Hill Reception

At the recent n4a Aging Policy Briefing and Capitol Hill Day in Washington, DC, n4a members were joined by Senator Sanders, staff from over 20 Capitol Hill offices, and national aging organization leaders at a Capitol Hill reception to mark the milestone.
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) is celebrating four decades of advocating for and supporting local AAA and Title VI Native American aging programs in every community across the country. At the recent n4a Aging Policy Briefing and Capitol Hill Day in Washington, DC, n4a members were joined by Senator Sanders, staff from over 20 Capitol Hill offices, and national aging organization leaders at a Capitol Hill reception to mark the milestone. In addition to celebrating, n4A members used the event as an opportunity to connect with health and aging policy staff from their congressional districts and states.

At the event, over 150 attendees heard first from n4a CEO Sandy Markwood, who reflected on the previous 40 years of Aging Network achievements and advancements in helping older adults and people with disabilities age successfully in their homes and communities for as long as possible. She also emphasized the long history of bipartisan support that Older Americans Act programs have received from Congress, and spoke to the important role that home and community-based services provided by AAAs and Title VI programs play in saving costs in Medicare and Medicaid. n4a President Joe Ruby of Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging thanked the members of n4a's volunteer board and recognized several past presidents attending.

Senator Sanders also joined attendees to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of the Aging Network to support seniors aging in their homes and communities with health, dignity and independence. Senator Sanders stressed the importance of adequately funding aging services and supports and called on his congressional colleagues to pass an Older Americans Act reauthorization and provide increased funding for these programs and services. The Senator also spoke to other threats to social insurance programs such as Social Security and charged attendees with advocating against cuts and changes to these important programs.

n4a members, congressional staff and other national organization colleagues reported being energized by the special event, and while fully aware of the policy challenges ahead, committed to continuing to build on the aging network's history of strong advocacy on behalf of older adults and people with disabilities in every community.



USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!