n4a on the Road: Looking Ahead to Presidential Transition, New Congress
- By: USAging
- On: 08/16/2016 09:32:42
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Earlier this week, n4a's Amy Gotwals gave a policy forecast to 400 attendees of the Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging's Annual Conference in Branson.
Touching on urgent legislative goals facing Congress this month, then queueing up what the transition to a new Administration looks like, Amy drew laughs for her comparison of Congress to a roller coaster ride and urged advocates to step up their advocacy. “Don't shy away from your advocacy mandate to education, inform and engage lawmakers just because it's election season,” she offered, encouraging advocates to attend candidate forums or town halls and to ask hard questions of all candidates and incumbents.
Amy also highlighted three aging issues that she believes have momentum in the year ahead: the intersection of health and LTSS, caregivers, and making our communities age-friendly and dementia-friendly. Amy and her policy partner, n4a's Director of Public Policy & Advocacy Autumn Campbell, are willing and able to provide member agencies/associations with policy updates--sometimes in person but always over webcast or phone, so reach out if you would like a policy presentation.