
AAA Survey Helps Leaders Rethink Business Goals-Don't Miss 9/23 Deadline!

Many of you have already completed the Aging Network's most important survey and have not only reported that it's easier to take than ever, but that it has helped you look at your agency's work with fresh eyes.

“Through the process of completing the AAA Survey, I am able to think about aspects of our operation, whether it be staff, programs or funding through a different prism,” said Odile Brunetto, Executive Director of the Montgomery County, Maryland AAA. “The data compiled in the Survey gives me a window into the trends and developments driving AAAs in other parts of the country, information that has informed my thinking about how to achieve our mission more effectively.”

Please join your colleagues in helping to strengthen the Aging Network by sharing your insights and completing the 2016 AAA National Survey by the September 23 deadline.
Contact the AAA Survey helpline for assistance with technical issues at the Scripps Gerontology Center, 1.855.359.3033 or Meredith Eisenhart at can provide assistance with any additional questions.



Please read this special message from USAging CEO Sandy Markwood regarding the hurricane devastation affecting our Area Agencies on Aging in the Southeast U.S.