Initiative Promotes Vaccinations in Older Adults
- By: USAging
- On: 07/03/2016 13:24:43
- In: Policy & Advocacy
In observance of National Immunization Awareness Month in August, the Alliance for Aging Research developed a short animated film that urges older adults to set an example for their families by getting their recommended vaccines and encouraging their loved ones to do the same.
Our Best Shot: The Importance of Vaccines for Older Adults is a film that gives an overview of how vaccines work, highlights the importance of vaccination and reminds older adults of their influential role in increasing the immunity of their families and social circles.
This film is part of a larger toolkit for community leaders to conduct an educational program on vaccination of older adults. n4a has teamed up with the Alliance for Aging Research to help test the toolkits at four AAAs this August. The final toolkit will be made widely available around National Grandparents Day in mid-September, and n4a will encourage all AAAs to participate. The film, and accompanying community events, will drive seniors across the country to mobilize themselves and their families to get the vaccines that they need to protect their health.