n4a Seeks Member Feedback About Changes to OAA Targeting Guidelines
- By: USAging
- On: 07/22/2016 09:42:17
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Yesterday, n4a released a memo and request for feedback via an online survey, to members asking for input on what new federal OAA targeting guidelines would mean for local agencies.
In response to both statutory updates in OAA and requests from advocates, the Administration on Aging is asking for input on adding specificity around consumers identified as having “greatest social and economic need” in OAA targeting guidelines. AoA proposes adding language identifying American Indians, LGBT elders, Holocaust survivors, refugees and others experiencing persecution in state plan guidance to states. We understand this change will have implications for local agencies, and are asking for member feedback on what these implications could be.
More information on the AoA request and the survey are available online.