Senate Appropriators Approve FY 2017 Labor-HHS Spending Bill
- By: USAging
- On: 06/10/2016 17:22:09
- In: Policy & Advocacy
This week the Senate Appropriations Committee considered and approved a bill to fund the Departments of Labor, Education and Health and Human Services for FY 2017.
This is an early step in a long process to finalize FY 17 federal funding levels, and with limited legislative time left before the elections, it is unlikely that lawmakers in both chambers will arrive at agreement on a stand-alone Labor-HHS bill.
The Senate version proposed level funding for core OAA programs, but it also included a very concerning recommendation to eliminate funding for State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) and recommended cuts to Title VI and Title V programs. n4a will send more details as well as advocacy opportunities when we have them, but it is very important that all advocates use the summer months to reach out to lawmakers about the importance of OAA funding.