Event Highlights Partnerships with VA and Academia
- By: USAging
- On: 05/18/2016 13:42:35
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Last week, n4a and the Health and Aging Policy Fellowship cosponsored the Age-Friendly Communities: from Partnerships to Policy Symposium in Washington, DC.
The event focused on the importance of engaging a variety of local stakeholder groups, with an emphasis on partnerships with the VA and academia.
Stephanie Firestone, n4a's Director, Livable Communities, moderated a panel featuring Kathryn Lawler, Director of the Atlanta Regional Commission's AAA. Kathryn discussed age discrimination and the importance of developing age-friendly metrics that are meaningful to local stakeholders.
n4a's Chief, Public Policy & External Affairs, Amy Gotwals served on a panel where she discussed her experience championing reauthorization of the Older Americans Act over the course of six years. The other panelists included Bob Blancato, President of Matz Blancato and Associates; Sophie Kasimow, Minority Staff Director of the Senate HELP Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security; and Kara O. Townsend, Health Professional Staff, Majority Health Policy Office, Senate HELP Committee.
n4a is collecting stories of successful local AAA-VA partnerships that make the broader community more livable for people of all ages. Send a brief description of your partnership along with contact information to Stephanie Firestone. We are planning a webinar this summer to showcase some exciting VA programs and to discuss strategies to promote closer local partnerships. Stay tuned!