
New Business Acumen Webinar, Register Now!

The ACL Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs (ONHPP), in collaboration with consultant Tim McNeill, invites you to a business acumen webinar entitled, “Where Do I Begin” scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST.  

This interactive webinar will feature the types of services being sold by community-based providers, suggested pricing and other strategies for success in working with health care providers.
The TIM Talks monthly webinar series features discussion of various business acumen-related topics in an interactive Q&A format, so prepare to stump Tim with your questions!

Please send any specific business acumen-related questions in advance to Phantane SprowlsProgram Analyst, ONHPP. Register now!

Also, note that n4a's new National Aging and Disability Business Center will conduct a webniar series on business acumen soon!



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