
Campaign to Help Seniors Access Benefits Launched!

Launched earlier this week, the You Gave, Now Save campaign is in full swing!

The public education initiative, conducted in collaboration with NCOA, was created to spread awareness of the fact that more than $20 billion in valuable benefits are left on the table annually by older adults who don't take full advantage of the benefits they've earned.
The Guide to Benefits for Seniors, the centerpiece of the campaign, is a comprehensive directory of the many forms of assistance available to help older adults pay for basic needs such as health care, food, housing and transportation. Based on early demand for the Guide, it is on track to become one of our most popular publications. So, if you haven't yet ordered your supply, we suggest that you do so now!

We are working with the national media to get the word out and have developed a press release template for those of you who may wish to make outreach to your local media contacts. If you decide to reach out to the media, let us know how those efforts are going by contacting n4a Director, Communications Dallas Jamison.



USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!