#USAgingHere4You: Deborah Stone-Walls
- By: USAging
- On: 11/02/2023 10:27:19
- In: Program Update
Prior to joining USAging, Deborah served for 13 years as the Executive on Aging for the County of Maui in Hawaii. During this time, she also served for eight years on the USAging Board of Directors, including three years as the President of the Board. Before this she was a Geriatric Mental Health Specialist. Prior to moving into the aging field, she worked as a therapist focused on families, youth and children for more than twenty years.
“The University of Hawaii received a grant to pilot a Geriatric Mental Health Initiative on Maui. They patiently recruited me to leave my beloved position working with youth—it took them two years to convince me to give older adult services a try. Although I was slow to accept the offer, once I was engaged with older adults there was simply no looking back! I was hooked!”
Deborah's favorite part about working at USAging is the people. She also loves that the mission and vision of USAging so closely align with her personal values. And she appreciates that there is NEVER a boring day at USAging!
“I hope to inspire and energize others to continue to do the ongoing and important work of creating an age-friendly world in which older adults feel dignified and supported to make the choices that feel right for them.”
In her free time Deborah enjoys reading historical fiction books, listening to true crime podcasts and any film that makes her laugh (or have a “good" cry!). Currently, she is bouncing between reading novels about Ireland and World War II.
Visit for an overview of the many grant programs Deborah and her team support across a spectrum of vital issues of interest to our members and the older adults, people with disabilities and the caregivers they serve.