
#USAgingHere4You: Connor Kelly

Connor Kelly joined USAging in February 2021 and serves as Membership and Outreach Associate. In his role, Connor assists with a wide range of activities to support USAging's members, including membership outreach, database management, educational trainings and events, and special projects, such as USAging's Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.
“Before joining USAging, I held management roles in various customer service industry jobs. I ended up in the Aging Network because of USAging! I found USAging (at the time, n4a) through a job posting while I was looking to transition fields. I didn't know much about AAAs or the Aging Network in general at the time, and I fell down a rabbit hole learning about it while investigating the job, coming out of the other end with a lot of interest. Luckily, I ended up getting the job!”
If agencies have general questions about USAging or questions about their membership, such as when it expires, what it includes or how to renew, Connor is the best person to go to! “Our members are engaged in so much at any given time, and I hope that USAging and my place in it can help make the important work our members do easier for them.”
Connor's favorite films include Rocky and The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and his favorite books are Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. If you listen to podcasts, he recommends If Books Could Kill and Sawbones.
To learn more about the benefits of USAging membership, visit USAging's website or consider contacting Connor and the Membership team. 
USAging's Membership Team



USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!