CMS Announces New Dementia Experience Model
- By: USAging
- On: 08/04/2023 09:32:16
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Under the GUIDE Model, people will have access to training and services, including clinical and non-clinical services such as meals and transportation. Participants in the GUIDE Model will establish dementia care programs that provide ongoing care and support to people living with dementia through an interdisciplinary team.
GUIDE participants will be Medicare Part B enrolled providers/suppliers who are eligible to bill for Medicare Physician Fee Schedule services and agree to meet the care delivery requirements of the model. CMS will accept letters of interest for the GUIDE Model testing through September 15 and will release a GUIDE Request for Applications for the model in fall 2023. The model will launch on July 1, 2024, and run for eight years. Register here for CMS' webinar on August 10th for more information.