President's Budget Calls for Big Boosts to OAA Title III B, III E, Title VI and Medicaid HCBS
- By: USAging
- On: 03/10/2023 09:29:59
- In: Policy & Advocacy
The President's budget calls for a 22 percent increase to OAA Title III B Supportive Services and Title III E National Family Caregiver Support Program, an 85 percent increase to Title VI Part A and a 33 percent increase to Title VI Part C—all of USAging's top priorities for this fiscal year—and a 20 percent combined increase in Title III C nutrition programs. While USAging will request even larger funding levels from Congress, the President's budget positions us well to begin the appropriations process with Congress and secure the highest possible numbers.
USAging can also report that the budget includes a $150 billion investment in Medicaid HCBS access and workforce, which we strongly support; funding to modernize the Social Security Administration's systems to improve customer service; and expansions of the Inflation Reduction Act's prescription drug improvements.
USAging will have full details next week via a Legislative Update.