n4a CEO Weighs in on President Biden’s FY 2022 Budget Priorities on OAA, Medicaid
- By: USAging
- On: 06/25/2021 09:13:54
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Today, n4a released a public statement heralding our approval of important investments in supports and services for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers in the President's budget blueprint. Aligned with long-standing advocacy championed by AAAs and Aging Network partners, the FY 2022 budget proposal prioritizes OAA and Medicaid HCBS funding, reflecting the Biden Administration's commitment to invest in home and community-based services and a care economy that better supports older adults and people with disabilities in their homes through critical aging services and HCBS.
Read n4a's statement in its entirety!
n4a's June 8 Legislative Update on the FY 2022 President's Budget
n4a's Asks of Congress for FY 2022
n4a's FY 2022 appropriations campaign is in full swing, and advocates are encouraged to reach out to their congressional delegations if you haven't already! Learn more and take action on our campaign page!