
Direct Older Adults to Your Agency’s Social Engagement Programs with Home for the Holidays Campaign Materials

Just in time for the start of the holiday season, the Eldercare Locator and n4a have launched the 2020 Home for the Holidays campaign! This year's campaign focuses on programs within the Aging Network that foster social connection during a time when social isolation and loneliness may increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We know AAAs and others within the Aging Network have stepped up to meet this growing need by adjusting their programming to encourage social connections, and this campaign is the perfect opportunity to highlight them, complete with ready-made materials.

To help your AAA/Title VI use this national campaign to share information about your local programs to help older adults stay connected in their communities, n4a produced a consumer brochure (English and Spanish) and a toolkit of materials the Aging Network can use to promote social engagement programs and services in their communities. Add your logo and contact information to the customizable versions (EnglishSpanish)! Do you plan to order brochures this year? If so, this year's brochure is available to order in the Eldercare Locator's online store.
As part of this year's campaign, n4a will conduct media outreach on the campaign topic along with examples of ways the Aging Network is supporting older adults with programming aimed at reducing social isolation and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic. If your agency has a program you would like us to highlight, please tell us about it! We'd love to highlight the important work you do every day for older adults in your community.
And don't miss your chance to learn more about the campaign when n4a and the Eldercare Locator host a webinar on December 17 at 2:00 PM ET. Attendees will hear from our partners at the University of California, San Diego on the importance of social engagement for older adults. You'll also learn about the materials available as part of this year's campaign—and how the Atlanta Regional Commission has and will use the campaign materials to promote its new One2One social engagement program. Learn more and register now!

For more information on the importance of social connection and local resources that can help address the need, please visit the Eldercare Locator's Resources for Social Isolation and Loneliness webpage.



USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!