New Toolkit for Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Grandfamilies
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Section: April Associate Newsletter

The COVID-19 pandemic is just the latest crisis to have elevated the needs of grandfamilies and, in particular, the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native families who are disproportionally impacted by the pandemic. As n4a members continue to serve grandfamilies and family caregivers, Generations United has teamed up with the National Indian Child Welfare Association to develop a toolkit to help child welfare agencies, other government agencies and nonprofit organizations ensure they serve American Indian and Alaska Native grandfamilies in a culturally competent manner.
The toolkit provides concrete tools to encourage culturally appropriate services and gives a historical background, a review of the current data and an overview of resources that helpers and Native grandfamilies might find useful in supporting their families.
With its content, the toolkit seeks to assist mainstream helpers in understanding Native grandfamilies, their historical and current context, and the service systems that may be helpful to them. The fundamental goal of this resource is to help organizations working with Native grandfamilies to better understand, appreciate and serve this population.
For additional resources and publications on grandfamilies, visit