ICYMI: A Busy Week for Aging Policy
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Section: September Associate Newsletter

Last week was a busy one for aging policy! Congress advanced both an Older Americans Act reauthorization bill and FY 2020 appropriations measures. The activity is driven in part by the September 30 deadlines for both.

Here’s a quick recap of last week’s policy action:  

First, the good news. Last Wednesday, the House Education and Labor Committee approved a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Older Americans Act (OAA) through 2024, with recommended funding increases of 35 percent over the five-year authorization period. n4a has endorsed the bill, which contains many of our OAA reauthorization priorities. The OAA expires at the end of this month, although as long as funding continues to flow, that expiration date does not have an immediate effect.

Speaking of funding, we are less pleased with the Senate Appropriations Committee's level funding of virtually all Older Americans Act programs for FY 2020. Stay tuned for a call to action, as advocates will need to urge the Senate to accept the House's funding levels—including significant increases for OAA and other key aging programs! FY 2019 funding expires at the end of the month, so Congress is working on a stop-gap measure to ensure the funding keeps flowing come October 1.

Contact policy@n4a.org if you have any questions on the Older Americans Act reauthorization or the FY 2020 appropriations process.