September 8, 2016 Advocacy Alert

Tell Congress to Continue Money Follows the Person!
Ask Your Members to Support an Extension for MFP

Since 2005, the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program has been instrumental in helping over 51,000 older adults and people with disabilities transition from institutional settings back to the community. However, funding for MFP is due to expire at the end of September unless Congress acts to extend these crucial services.
Members of Congress are back in DC for a few short weeks before the chambers recess again for the upcoming elections. There is a limited window of opportunity to act to continue funding for MFP. Not only does the program increase independence for seniors and people with disabilities, it has also helped states improve access to home and community-based services (HCBS) and saved states and the federal government money because it costs less to provides these services in the community than it does in an institution. n4a and other national advocacy organizations are working to ensure that Congress understands the importance of protecting this valuable program that improves lives and saves money.
Please reach out to your Senators and Representatives to both educate them about the value of the MFP program—especially if you have MFP success stories in your district and state—and to ask Congress to continue funding for MFP beyond September.
Action Steps

  • Reach out to your Members of Congress and let them know that your agency supports extending funding for the Money Follows the Person Program. Outreach on MFP is especially important if your Senator serves on the Senate Finance Committee or your Representative sits on the House Energy & Commerce Committee. If your Member of Congress is not on either of those committees, it is still critical to reach out, and ask your Member to contact leadership of those committees! 
  • Tell your Member of Congress why MFP is so important to older adults and people with disabilities in your community! Communicate the following message, but make sure to personalize your outreach with local success stories!MFP gives people the right to decide where they live and receive home and community services and supports. It provides assistance to help older adults and people with disabilities transition out of institutional settings back to the community.

Since 2005, MFP has assisted more than 51,000 people with move back to the community, and has helped 44 states improve access to HCBS. MFP is a program where everyone wins: individuals regain their independence, and state and federal governments save money because it costs less to provide services and supports in the community rather than in an institution.
Congress must act by September 31 to extend funding for MFP or the program will expire!


  • Engage your community! Please encourage your providers, advisory boards and partners, and consumers to take action by reaching out to Members in the House and the Senate today! U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121. Email: and

Note, as you reach out it’s also important to PERSONALIZE the emails you send and share anecdotes about the MFP success in your community.
Thank you for your advocacy on this important issue! 

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If you have questions or concerns about this Advocacy Alert or n4a’s policy positions, please contact Autumn Campbell at and Amy Gotwals at

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